and World Literature: Comparative and Multidisciplinary Perspectives2025-02-01T10:34:26+01:00Prof Khairy Doumakdouma@aucegypt.eduOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Arabic and World Literature </strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;">Comparative and Multidisciplinary Perspectives</p> <p><em>Arabic and World Literature: Comparative and Multidisciplinary Perspectives </em>is a new open access journal that provides a forum in both English and Arabic for researchers investigating literature by Arab authors in and outside the Arabic-speaking world. Published annually, the journal promotes thought-provoking research on classical and modern, written and oral, poetry and prose, and literary and colloquial works by Arab authors. To reflect and widen the breadth and range of the growing research on Arabic literature, each volume is multidisciplinary in scope, and aims to explore the intersections of national literatures, global literary theories, and current trends in World literature.</p> <div style="direction: rtl; font-size: large;"> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong> مجلة الأدب العربي والعالمي</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;">دراسات مقارنة و متعددة التخصصات</p> <p><em>الأدب العربي والعالمي: دراسات مقارنة و متعددة التخصصات</em></p> <p>هي مجلة اكاديمية جديدة سنوية تصدر باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية للباحثين في الأدب داخل وخارج العالم الناطق بالعربية، وتشجع البحث الجاد في الأعمال الكلاسيكية والحديثة، المكتوبة والشفوية، الشعرية والنثرية، سواء اكانت بالعربية الفصحى أو العامية. وتسعى المجلة الى توسيع نطاق البحوث متعددة التخصصات، بهدف استكشاف تقاطعات الأدب العربي مع النظريات الأدبية الحديثة والاتجاهات المعاصرة في الأدب العالمي.</p> </div> <div id="eJOY__extension_root" class="eJOY__extension_root_class" style="all: unset;"> </div>, Body, and Resistance: An Ecofeminist Reading of Susan Abulhawa’s Against the Loveless World2025-02-01T10:34:26+01:00Hanan<p>This paper provides an ecofeminist reading of Susan Abulhawa’s Against the Loveless World, examining <br>the intricate relationship between the exploitation of Palestinian land and the commodification of <br>women's bodies. Through the protagonist, Nahr, the novel explores how colonialism and patriarchy are <br>interconnected systems of oppression that impact both the environment and women’s autonomy. The <br>paper draws on ecofeminist theories from scholars like Vandana Shiva, Greta Gaard, and Ynestra King, <br>emphasizing how patriarchal and colonial forces exploit nature and women in similar ways. By analyzing <br>Nahr’s experiences—her forced marriage, imprisonment, and involvement in sex work—the study shows <br>how her resistance to the degradation of her body mirrors the Palestinian struggle for land and identity. <br>The paper argues that reclaiming the land is paralleled by reclaiming bodily autonomy, both of which are <br>acts of resistance against broader systems of domination.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+01:00##submission.copyrightStatement##